Practice What You Preach : Employee Track Day 2018
Just like you, everyone here at COBB Tuning is an automotive enthusiast. Most of us have a project car, some of us even 4 or 5. When we aren’t writing code, designing parts, or providing customer service we take advantage of our shop and put in the same “blood, sweat, and tears” to get our projects as close to “done” as they could ever be (they never are). Every year we take one day to step away from the office and head down south of Austin to Harris Hill Raceway for a day of track driving. This allows employees an opportunity to put all of their hard work to good use in a safe environment. With a few seasoned vets on staff, it also gives first and second timers a chance at improving their skills behind the wheel. Below is an assortment of images from our March 2018 Track Day.
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