CAN Flex Fuel for 2015-2021 Subaru WRX
COBB Flex Fuel is BACK for the 2015-2021 Subaru WRX!!
It is no secret that taking advantage of higher ethanol content found at the E85 pump allows tuners to make even more power with the same mechanical configuration. Â Today we are SUPER excited to announce our all new CAN Flex Fuel Packages for USDM 2015-2021 Subaru WRX 6MT cars. Â For those not familiar with CAN (Controller Area Network) in modern cars, head over to this blog post which explains a bit of it at a high level. This release is a meaty one with some all new hardware, new Stage Power Packages, and supporting COBB Off The Shelf Maps.
COBB NexGen Stage 2 + Flex Fuel Stage Power Packages and Off The Shelf Maps have undergone and passed third party emissions / reasonable basis testing and are currently available in 49 states as we continue to seek CARB EO coverage.
The COBB CAN Gateway
The star of the show is our all new CAN Gateway for Subaru. Â This little guy is the key to maintaining compliance while also injecting high quality, reliable data for the ECU to utilize in Accessport delivered calibrations – both COBB created OTS Maps and custom tunes created by a COBB Protuner. Â The design of the gateway allows it to receive multiple sensor signals and then turn that data into packets to be distributed into specific CAN channels. Â For this application, we are utilizing two inputs – Ethanol Content and Fuel Pressure. Â Moving forward, we do have the ability to implement additional inputs utilizing the same gateway hardware.
CAN Gateway Flex Fuel Products
The overall product offering for CAN Gateway Flex Fuel is pretty substantial, there are components and kits available for both new customers wanting to add Flex Fuel to their WRX for the first time as well as “Upgrade Kits” available for customers who may have our old analog flex fuel solution installed and want to covert to the CAN based system.
Flex Fuel & Fuel Pressure Upgrade Kits
For those of you who already have our NexGen Stage 2 Power Package, all you need is one of the below kits to add flex fuel capabilities to your WRX. Â These kits include the CAN Gateway with vehicle-specific harness, CAN Ethanol Sensor Kit, and CAN Fuel Pressure Sensor Kit. Adding this kit to your NexGen Stage 2 WRX will allow you to utilize our COBB Off The Shelf maps. Â The ONLY difference between these two kits is the vehicle harness as they are different for 2015-2017 and 2018-2021 WRXs. Â Please make sure you choose the right package for your car!
CAN Flex Fuel Upgrade + Fuel Pressure Kit – 2015-2017 WRX
CAN Flex Fuel Upgrade + Fuel Pressure Kit – 2018-2021 WRX
Customers w/ Previous COBB Analog Flex Fuel
We recognize that there are a large number of you out there who are still utilizing our original Flex Fuel kits on your 2015-2021 WRX. Â We have created specific upgrade kits for you that allow you to re-use as much of your old setups as possible and save a bit of money in the process. Â These kits include only what is necessary to convert from an original flex fuel kit over to CAN Flex Fuel. Â Packages are available both with and without CAN Fuel Pressure Sensor Kits.
Previous Ethanol Sensor Kit to Subaru CAN Flex Fuel Upgrade WRX 2015-2017
Previous Ethanol Sensor Kit to Subaru CAN Flex Fuel Upgrade WRX 2018-2021
CAN Flex Fuel Power Packages
Introducing NexGen Stage 2 + CAN Flex Fuel Power Packages! Â These power packages are based upon our 50-state legal NexGen Stage 2 Power Packages and simply add our CAN Gateway Flex Fuel + Fuel Pressure kits into the mix. Â There are obviously quite a few packages to choose from. Â They vary in vehicle application range, intake (SF or Redline), and intercooler color (Black or Silver). Â In order to utilize the supporting COBB NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel Off The Shelf maps, your car MUST utilize one of these power packages exactly as they are represented on the product page.
2015-2017 WRX Packages
2018-2021 WRX Packages
The easiest way to see packages available for your WRX is to click on the appropriate Vehicle Page below:
- 2015 Subaru WRX Sedan MT USDM
- 2016 Subaru WRX Sedan MT USDM
- 2017 Subaru WRX Sedan MT USDM
- 2018 Subaru WRX Sedan MT USDM
- 2019 Subaru WRX Sedan MT USDM
- 2020 Subaru WRX Sedan MT USDM
- 2021 Subaru WRX Sedan MT USDM
CAN Flex Fuel Off The Shelf Maps & Power Gains
These map files are only available to be downloaded from the Maps section of the COBB website. Â Download Flex Fuel Off The Shelf Maps HERE.
**Note: In order to utilize ANY of the below maps, you must first Update Accessport Firmware**
NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel 91 HWG v410.ptm
NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel 91 LWG v410.ptm
NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel 91 v410.ptm
NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel 93 HWG v410.ptm
NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel 93 LWG v410.ptm
NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel 93 v410.ptm
NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel Economy Mode v410.ptm
NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel Valet Mode v410.ptm
Power gains below represent the power output of a car when utilizing the COBB NexGen Stage2 Flex Fuel Power Package outlined above. Using 93 octane with up to E10, our development car made a peak of 263 whp and 302 wtq., exactly what you’d expect to make on a normal NexGen Stage 2 Power Package and OTS Map. Then, without changing a single part on the car and using the exact same tune, we bumped the ethanol percentage in the tank up to E85 where the car made a peak of 311whp and 338wtq. Â
For more information about our OTS Maps including fuel and parts requirements, head to our Map Notes Page.
Custom Tuning Support
Subaru Accesstuner Pro HL has also been updated to support CAN Flex Fuel hardware for 2015-2021 WRXs. Â COBB Protuners can create custom calibrations for emissions compliant vehicles that are utilizing any configuration of our CAN Gateway Flex Fuel Kits/Packages.
**Note: In order to utilize ANY custom tune maps, you must first Update Accessport Firmware**
Find your preferred COBB Protuner HERE.
already placed my order! super excited to not have to remap the car when i want to run some corn juice.
Awesome! Thanks so much for your support, let us know how everything goes with install and tune.
Will a non-pro version of Accesstuner be made available again now that this has been released? I want to learn how and be able to tune my own car (not necessarily with flex fuel).
We do not currently have plans to re-release end-user Accesstuner software.
do i have to have stage 2? in order to run this or could i just buy the kit and upgrade my LFPF and run a OTS
If you want to use our supporting OTS Maps, you need the full NexGen Stage 2 Power Package. We do intend to offer Stage 1 and Stage 1+ Intake Flex Fuel maps in the future, no ETA at the moment though.
Will you offer stage 1 or stage 1+ Maps for the flex fuel system?
I have a stock 2020 WRX with just an access port. Is the CAN flex fuel compatible?
It is!! You would currently have to have the car custom tuned by a Protuner as we do not yet offer Stage1/Stage1+ Flex Fuel Maps. Hoping to add those soon, though!
Will flex fuel upgrade work with CVT WRX’s
Not at the moment, 6MT only.
Any updates on when NexGen FF might be available for 04-07 STI?
Marshall, for the update. That’s awesome news! Also, if I have an e30 tune in my setup, can I add the can gateway flex fuel and pressure sensor to simply read my ethanol content and fuel pressure?
Exciting news about the CAN gateway! Can this eventually be used to drive secondary (port) injections and additional inputs/outputs? It would make a killing!
Thanks, we are super excited about it too! The hope is to integrate additional modules/controllers in the future but we are not currently working on those quite yet.
19 WRX
what are the fuel system upgrade requirements, did I miss that part (so, OEM fuel pump is a go)?
Hey Michael, fuel system upgrades are not REQUIRED in order to use our Stage Power Package & Off The Shelf Map. Many people choose to upgrade the in-tank fuel pump, and that would be a good idea on older/higher mileage cars.
Hi Marshall,
I have a complete stock Manual 2017 WRX. If I buy the “SUBARU NEXGEN STAGE 2 + CAN FLEX FUEL POWER PACKAGE (SF INTAKE) WRX 6MT 2015-2017 (BLACK)” I will be all set, nothing else I need to purchase?
Thanks, very excited!
This won’t be open for CA purchase? Dumb question to ask with all the restrictions they’re putting on engine modding in California.
Not at the moment. We have displayed compliance of the kits and OTS Maps in a third party lab and are working with CARB in hopes of gaining EO coverage in the future.
If you’re considering installing NexGen FF, you won’t be disappointed! Budget for the next few months or year and get this kit! I recently got protuned with a mostly stock 2017 WRX:
– Cobb NexGen FF+FP kit
– Cobb EBCS
– LPFP (in-tank pump with 340lph)
After the protune, I got these numbers:
– 322 ft-lbs
– 347 whp
If you want more, the guy who got protuned before me got 383 whp on Stage 2 and a FMIC.
Don’t wait if you were unsure about this!
When does it become ca compliant
We are continuing to work towards it but do not yet have a timeline for acquiring EO coverage through CARB.
Installed this on my 2021 WRX base 6MT about 6 months ago and it has been a game changer! I look for reasons to drive my car now. Thank you COBB for bringing Flex Fuel back for our platform. Keep up the great work!
Is this still happening for VB platform?
Yes! Our 2024 WRX TR is currently at an emissions lab being tested. We are hoping to release near the end of January 2025.